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Can you guess what this is?


@cape_cod_polish well, I use mine for something very special indeed.....but do you know what it is?

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  • That is a Star Wars light saber.

    Erin Smith
  • I use the cloths for my Vape mods, copper, brass and stainless. Gets all the fine threads perfectly clean, and the metal shines like a mirror.

  • I just wanted to let you know what a great product this is. I have a silver set, and every time I looked at it I dreaded having to polish it. I started with just the cream pitcher and sugar bowl. They looked fantastic. So now it has been over a year and I never got to the rest of the set but those two items still look as they did when I finished them .
    Greatest silver polish I have ever used!!! Thanks for a great product.

    Sharon Hale

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